I would like to start this post with my favorite quote from this video: “What inspires me is teaching Javascript to African refuges” -Sam Hyde

Samuel Hyde is a Comedian who belongs to a sketch group called Million Dollar Extreme, and he pulled one of the most epic pranks with a fake ted talk at Drexel University. At my university I am a member of the Business Builders Club and I major in business, as a result I am very familiar with Ted Talks. In fact, people I know have participated and spoken at Tedx events, and I have been to several Ted talks myself. People love talking about innovation, and many of the people on Ted talks like showing off their brilliant ideas or theories.

Most ideas at Ted talks revolve around startups, technology, social enterprise, and positive lifestyle choices. In the 19 minutes of Sam’s talk he effectively mocks every single part of Ted talks. Ted Talks are very inspiring and I think they do a very good job of promoting awareness and driving innovation. However, Sam’s presentation lets us look at Ted Talks in a different way. Ultimately, we should consider how much of Ted talks are just hype.